Admission Committee
The Admission Committee, with the submissions presented to them by the Teaching Experiences and the Research Forum and Design, will evaluate the proposals that are presented in the working groups and then, after a final revision, will publish their results.
Things that will be taken into account, among other criteria, are the adaption of the theme and to the general objectives of the BID Meeting, to the specific objectives of this edition and the thematic axis under the motto “100 years after Bauhaus”; the contribution of submission to the publication and its reflection on design (both didactic and research based).
Here are the Admission Committee representatives. The Admission Committee is lead by Adela Acitores, a representative of the school ESNE –University School of Design and Innovation– which collaborates with us.
Manuel Lecuona
Director científico
8º Encuentro BID
Catedrático en Gestión del Diseño. Docente en la ETS de Ingeniería del Diseño, en el Master Oficial en Ingeniería del Diseño de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). Fundador del IGD – Grupo de Investigación y Gestión del Diseño (UPV). Director del observatorio de tendencias Trendhal desighspotting. Manuel Lecuona es coordinador del modulo Gestión del Diseño del Posgrado Design Managenent de la Fundación de la UPC. Profesor Invitado Universidad de la Habana (Cuba); Universidad del EAFIT Medellín (Colombia) y Magister en Diseño Estratégico de la Universidad de Valparaiso (Chile).
Se desempeña también como asesor externo en Gestión del Diseño del Barcelona Centro de Diseño (bcd) y en el Centro Tecnológico PRODINTEC. Colabora con organismos como CANACINTRA y AFANJL (México), Bancomex (México), Centro Tecnológico de la madera CATEM (Bio-Bio Chile), Banco CETELEM (España). FEDERHABITAT (España) Director del observatorio de tendencias Trendhal desighspotting.
Adela Acitores
Coordinadora Foro
Madrid, España
Arquitecta por la UPM, obtuvo una beca del Ministerio de Formación de Personal investigador y Profesorado universitario en la ETSAM que culminó con su doctorado en 1996. Desde entonces ha trabajado como profesora en el área de Expresión Gráfica impartiendo clases en las titulaciones de Arquitectura, Diseño y BBAA, como profesora titular en la Universidad Europea de Madrid (1996 a 2013), donde ha sido Profesora Titular y Directora del Departamento de Expresión Gráfica y Diseño. Posteriormente continuó su actividad académica en la universidad Antonio de Nebrija (2013 a 2015), donde asumió el cargo de coordinación del Área de Expresión Gráfica en su escuela Politécnica. En la actualidad es la Directora de Ordenación Académica de ESNE, Escuela Universitaria de Diseño Innovación y Tecnología.
Durante todo este tiempo ha compaginado su actividad docente con su trayectoria profesional e investigadora, participando en varios proyectos. En la actualidad pertenece al grupo Vignola de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la UCM. Este año ha dirigido el Congreso Internacional de Innovación en la docencia de Diseño IDD.
University of Bío-Bío.
Concepción, Chile Biography
Founder and director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center for Design and Design Research Laboratory (2013), Seminary of Design Research (2010) and District Design Gran Concepción (2016). More than twenty years of experience in researching and teaching on the themes of industrial design, design management, material design, kansei engineering, sustainability and bionics. She takes part of the executive office of Doctorate in Sustainable Materials and Processes and Magister in Wood Construction. She lead and collaborated in projects like CONICYT, FONDECYT, CORFO, MECESUP, INNOVA, ALFA, ERANET LAC. Author of books and diverse articles.
Juanita Bagés
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Madrid, España
En el año 2000 recibió Beca Carolina Oramas para jóvenes artistas colombianos y con ella inició sus estudios de posgrado en España. Ha sido docente en el Grado en Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo del Producto de la Nebrija, en el Grado en Bellas Artes del CES Felipe II, y en las carreras de Diseño Gráfico de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogotá, Colombia). Durante años ha combinado su labor docente e investigadora como miembro diferentes grupos de investigación e innovación con su trabajo como diseñadora y fotógrafa, en varios estudios y editoriales.
Unidcom -IADE Portugal. UNIR International University of la Rioja. ESNE
Asturias, España Biography
Teacher in the International University of la Rioja -UNIR- in the Degree in Digital Design and in the Official Master in Digital Graphic Design, academic coordinator of the University expert in Digital Ecodesign Packaging (UNIR), and teacher in Fashion, Interior Architecture, Graphic Design and Video Games areas and coordinator of extracurricular activities in ESNE Asturias.
Doctor in Fine Arts in Complutense University of Madrid. Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism (Universitary Center Moura Lacerda / RibeiraoPreto – Brasil), with three Masters related to sustainability (UCM), Design of product (UNESP) and innovation (IED – Madrid).
She participated in different research teams, whether national or international, while being the major researcher for three years in Steelcase Chair of educational spaces and equipment at the European University of Madrid. She also participated in researches done in Brazil, Portugal and Spain, in different domains of design: product, sustainability, creative graphic representation and university/company methodology.
Universidad de Valparaíso.
Valparaiso, Chile Biography
FADU-UBA, University of Quilmes
Buenos Aires, Argentina
General editor of the academic review of the Design faculty of the UDD: Base, Design and Innovation. She has lead the executive production of the 4th, 5th and 6th Biennial of Design of Chile and was in charge of graphic projects published in design diffusion editions such as New Design – Chile, Magazine Tipográfica, Argentina, Libro Logos 2 by Editorial Taschen, Germany, and Catalog of the 4th, 5th and 6th Biennial of Chilean Design. Since 1990, she participates in archeological expeditions under Fondos Conicyt rescuing and drawing paintings and cave engravings in northern Chile.
Titular designer of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Magister in History and Heritage Management University of the Andes. Graduate in Tipográfic design, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
Universidad de la República / Udelar.
Montevideo, Uruguay Perfil
Expert in incorporation of dynamics of design innovation in PYMES, she studies the case of insertion of design in the toy industry. She works as an independent consultant with diverse companies and institutions and manages different teams and projects in design research, innovation management, strategic management of design and products and services design areas.
Universidad de Nebrija.
Madrid, España Perfil
Ha ejercido la docencia en diferentes centros: Universidad Nebrija, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio.
Como diseñador, ha trabajado entre otros estudios para Sottsass Associati, el Premio Nacional Daniel Nebot o el Estudio Paco Bascuñán.
Universidade de Aveiro.
Aveiro, Portugal Perfil
Doutorado em Design e Imagem pela Universidade de Barcelona, é atualmente professor auxiliar convidado no DeCA da Universidade de Aveiro, lecionando na licenciatura de Design e na licenciatura de Novas Tecnologias da Comunicação, onde também orienta teses de mestrado e doutoramento.
Membro da unidade de investigação do ID+ (DeCA / FBAUP / IPCA), tem participado em conferências nacionais e internacionais, escreve textos sobre design e é membro do Comité Científico da Revista Educação Gráfica, editada pelo Departamento de Artes e Representação Gráfica da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação da UNESP (Brasil), e membro do Comité de Pares Avaliadores da Revista Chilena deDiseño, RChD: creación y pensamiento, publicação do Departamento de Diseño de la Universidad deChile (Chile).
Iniciou a sua prática profissional em Barcelona, em 1996, e fundou com a arq. Daniela Michelli o atelier PitangaDesign, onde desenvolve projetos com ênfase nas áreas da museografia, design expositivo, identidade de marca, packaging e design editorial.
Madrid, España Perfil
Doctora en Bellas Artes. Profesora de tecnología aplicada al diseño y jefa de departamento de promoción y desarrollo en Artediez, escuela pública de diseño de la Comunidad de Madrid ( Co-organizadora de los Encuentros de diseño y cultura digital, EDCD (, línea de actividades permanente de Medialab Prado y escuelas de diseño de Madrid. Co-organizadora de Art Skills, Olimpiadas Artísticas de las Escuelas Superiores y Artísticas Públicas de España (
Interesada en la tecnología, los procesos colaborativos, el mundo maker y el diseño y software libre. Participante de Libre GraphicResearchUnit, grupo de investigación europeo que estudia la Gráfica Libre en todos los ámbitos del diseño.
QBIC FabLab.
Doha, Catar Perfil
Universidad Veritas
Costa Rica Perfil
Parsons School of Design, CHAVÓN – La Escuela de Diseño.
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Perfil
Formado en Diseño Gráfico con una especialidad en Identidad Corporativa y Empaque, se ha dedicado por cerca de tres décadas de su vida profesional al campo académico del diseño, inicio en el Instituto de Diseño de la Fundación Neumann y paralelamente en el Centro Artístico Vilasmil de Caracas al igual que es su Alma Mater el Instituto de Diseño de Caracas. Con estudios de formación en la Istituto Europeo di Design en Barcelona y Parsons The New School for Design en la ciudad de New York. Se integra a Chavon La Escuela de Diseño Afiliada a Parsons The New School for Design en la ciudad de New York en el año 1994 como director de admisiones y miembro de su facultad, actualmente se desempeña como Vicerrector Académico de esta institución fundada en el año 1983 y conocida como la Bauhaus del Caribe.
Además de su dedicación a la educación en el campo del diseño durante sus primeros años profesionales trabajó para la compañía 3M Manufacturera de Venezuela, Warnern Lambert y Leo Burnett. Durante años más recientes ha sido colaborador para editoras como el Listín Diario y Diario Libre en la República Dominicana en temas relacionados con diseño. Es miembro del Equipo de apoyo / selección de la Bienal Iberoamericana de Diseño.
Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Universidad Columbia del Paraguay.
Asunción, Paraguay Perfil
Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Innovación / ESNE.
Madrid, España Perfil
Doctora por la Universidad de Málaga, con la tesis “Diseño y patrimonio. Modelos de conservación y difusión” es licenciada en Bellas Artes (especialidad diseño) por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con estudios de postgrado en Diseño en la Willem de Kooning Academie (WdKA) de Rotterdam, Países Bajos
Ha sido coordinadora del Grado en Diseño de la Universidad Europea de Madrid y redactora del plan de estudios de dicho grado, Se desempeñó como comisaria de la exposición de diseño neerlandés “Binnen-buiten, en la calle como en casa”, Central de Diseño, Madrid, 2008 (entre otras)
Sus líneas de investigación son teoría e historia del diseño, difusión del diseño, diseño de experiencia de usuario. Como profesional del diseño, desarrolla su carrera desde 1990 hasta 2012 como diseñadora de sistemas interactivos.
Miembro activo de la Asociación de Diseñadores de Madrid (DIMAD) y patrona electa de la Fundación DIMAD.
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
Bogotá, Colombia Perfil
Instituto Superior de Diseño, Universidad de La Habana.
La Habana, Cuba Perfil
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Madrid, España Perfil
Actualmente es Vicedecano de Unidades Docentes Delegadas y Coordinador de la Rama de Artes y Humanidades de la Escuela de Másteres Oficiales de la URJC.
Teacher. He coordinates and integrates teams in projects of I + D + I with companies and national and international public institutions. Enthusiast in traditional arts and participative design, he is focusing on his area of researching in design focused on the user, the emotional design and the social design.
He collaborates in the conception of national and international workshops as a form of extension of the universitary activity, in the continuous dialogue between organisations, academy and companies, in the construction of inclusive and participating projects. As a designer, he developed multidisciplinary work, particularly with communication, theater, museology and craftwork areas.
With more than 20 years of experience in teaching, innovating and investigating in design, she is an active member of the Group of Investigation in Design GUIA focused on design for the Human well-being and Design inspired from nature. PhD in Design, Fabrication and Industrial Projects Management in the Superior Technical School of Design Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain (2013).
Expert in Marketing and in Administration of the Total Quality and Productivity Management. Industrial Designer trained in the National University of Colombia – Bogotá Campus (1996).
Manager of events to promote Design such as: Diseño con Sentido (2004), VI Velada de Diseño (2015) and Diseña Diverso (2018).
Instituto Superior de Diseño, Universidad de La Habana.
La Habana, Cuba Perfil
Between 2002 and 2004, he organised the “Meetings around typography” of the UCM and participated in the foundation of the “Conference of typography in Spain”.
He curated several exhibitions of typography such as “Imprenta Real, fuentes de la tipografía española” (Imprenta Real, origins of the Spanish typography) for AECID where he designs the typography Ibarra Real based on the types of Geronimo Gil and more recently “Spanish Calligraphy the art of writing” in the National Library of Spain.
UPTC / Escuela de Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.
Colombia Perfil
Universidad Nebrija.
Madrid, España Perfil
Universidad Anáhuac Querétaro.
Querétaro, México Perfil
7th BID Meeting / 2017 Admission Committee
Here was the team responsible for communications’ admission in the previous edition. Get to know them:
First phase
The organizing Committee of the BID Meeting, with the support of DIMAD partner schools, was in charge of the first phase of admission.
Adela Acitores (ESNE), Juanita Bagés (Complutense Univ. /Fine Arts ) and Miguel Hernández (Francisco de Vitoria University).
Adela Acitores
Madrid, Spain
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Architect for the UPM, she got a scholarship from the Minister of Education of research staff and university teachers at the ETSAM, in which she obtained her doctorate in 1996. Since then, she has worked as a teacher in Graphic Expression, giving lessons in the degrees of Architecture and Design &Fine Arts; as a teacher at the European University of Madrid (1996 to 2013), where she has been teacher and director of the Graphic Expression and Design department. Afterwards, she continued her academic activity at the Antonio de Nebrija University (2013 to 2015), where she was in charge of the coordination of the Graphic Expression area in the Polytechnic School. Currently, she is director of Academic planning at ESNE, University School of Design, Innovation and Technology.
During all this time, she combined her teaching activities with her professional and research career, participating in various projects. Currently, she is part o the Vignola group of the Fine Arts faculty of the UC. This year, she directed the International Congress on Innovation in Teaching, of the DiseñoIDD.
Juanita Bagés
Complutense University
Madrid, Spain
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Juanita Bagés is Doctor in Fine Arts at the UCM and graphic designer at the National University of Colombia. She is currently teacher in the Design degree at the Complutense University of Madrid and in the degree of Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development at the Nebrija University. During these years, she combined her teaching and research activity with her work as a designer and photographer in various studios and editorials.
Miguel Hernández
Francisco de Vitoria University
Madrid, Spain
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Miguel Hernández, Creative Director of Pluviam. Degree in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid (specializing in design) in 1997. University lecturer at the Francisco de Vitoria University since 2006; teacher in the Master of Edition of Santillana Formation at the University of Salamanca (2006 to 2009); teacher in the Masters in Graphic Design Communication at TRACOR (CEU, San Pablo University) 2014-2015. Specialties: Branding, Motion Graphics, Illustration and Structural Design.
Claudia Rojas
Pedagogical and Technological University
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Industrial Designer from Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, specialist in workplace health and ergonomics, Masters in Education, Doctorate in Design and Creation from the University of Caldas, Colombia. Founder of the Industrial Design School of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC), in which she is a teacher and coordinates the Masters in Design with a specialty in development of social projects. In 2002, she launched, along with another teacher “Taller 11, grupo de investigación en Diseño” (workshop 11, research group in design), of which she is the coordinator. Her research has a participatory approach in themes related with physical ergonomics and cognitive ergonomics, principally with special populations. Her publications involve all kinds of accessibility, inclusion, emotions and interactions and themes related with the rescue of identity and culture of the populations that conserve traditions. She did internships in research centers in Argentina, Mexico and Colombia and has been invited to participate at a national and international level as an evaluator in research competitions and as a lecturer in design and ergonomics events.
Second phase
The Governing Council of the BID Meeting was in charge of the second phase.
Marisela Ávalos
Mónica Herrera School
El Salvador
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Graduate in Graphic Design from the University Dr José Matías Delgado in EL Salvador. Fullbright Intern with a Masters in Graphic Design from the University of Illinois in Chicago, and a Masters in Graphic Design and New Technologies, having studied her undergraduate in Graphical Design at the University of Illinois. Teacher for the program Gallery 37, with Graphic Design speciality. She is the director and professor for the Strategic Design degree at the Mónica Herrera School of Communication in El Salvador. She has her own design studio where she is consultant in Graphic Design and Editorial Design for Salvadorian organizations and companies.
Félix Beltrán
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Graphic Designer and artist. He is an honorable fellow of the Fundación Diseño Madrid. Head professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de Mexico and guest professor at the University Altos del Chavón, Dominican Republic. He is an international adviser for the International Conference of Design, Mexico DF, and an International Liaison in Mexico for the Type Directors Club, New York, and National Delegate of Association Typographique Internationale, Paris. In 1988, he founded the Archivo de Diseño Gráfico Internacional, Latin America’s first exhibition on international graphic design.
Teresa Camacho
Anáhuac University
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Graduate in Graphic Design from the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM), specialist and Master of Design in New Technologies. She studied psychology of advertising at the University Complutense of Madrid. Her works have been presented during national and international exhibitions, including the International Mail Art, Elite International, Festival Cervantino, Graphic Intervention and Fun-Fan, among others. Since 1994, she has been freelance, with her participation standing out in 1995 as a collaborator for Coordination of Design for Graphic Communication at UAM, as well as her permanent work since 1993 for Félix Beltran and Asociados.
Manuel Estrada
BID’s Executive director
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Designer. Founder and President of the Fundación Diseño Madrid (DIMAD) and Executive President of the Iberoamerican Biennal of Design (BID). Specialized in graphic design, he stands out in the field of editorial and corporative design. His studio was the second to receive the AENOR Certificate in Quality Systems (ISO 9001 norm) and in Environment (ISO 14000 norm). His works have been emphasized by institutions like the Cervantes Prize, Alianza Editorial, Fundación Repsol and numerous book covers of El País newspaper. He has been awarded several prizes and distinctions like the Laus, AEPD, Art Directors Club of Europe and recently the Good Design Chicago 2014. He is a member of the Council for Artistic Teaching of Spain.
Manuel Lecuona
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Lecturer in Design Management. Teacher of Design Engineering in ETS, on the official masters in Design Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Founder of the IGD – Group of research and design management (UPV). Director of the Trendhal designspotting observatory of trends. Manuel Lecuona is coordinator of the Design management module, of the degree with the same name, at the Foundation of the UPC. Visiting teacher at the La Havana University (Cuba); EAFIT Medellín University (Colombia) and masters in Strategic Design at the Valparaiso University (Chile).
He is also external consultant in Design Management at the Barcelona Centre of Design (BCD) and at the PRODINTEC Technologic Centre. He collaborates with organisms like CANACINTRA and AFANJL (Mexico), CATEM Technologic Centre of wood (Bio-Bio Chile), CETELEM bank (Spain y FEDERHABITAT (Spain).
Delfina Morán
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Doctorate from the University of Malaga and graduate in Fine Arts (specializing in design) from UCM, she finished her studies in Graphic Design and Art Direction in Kunstacademie Van Beeldende Kunsten in Rotterdam (today called Willem de Kooning Academie). She began her professional career in 1990 as a designer of multimedia interactive systems. From February 2002 to December 2014, she combined this labor with research and teaching in the European University of Madrid, as the course designer of the design studies program in this university and academic coordinator for its implementation. She has lead exhibitions and is author of diverse articles about design, education and diffusion. Today, she is director of Art and Design in ESN, University School of Design, Innovation and Technology, which is part of University Camilo José Cela and which offers university degrees in fashion design, product, interiors, graphics and video games.
Oscar Pamio
Costa Rica
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Architect and designer, graduate of the University La Sapienza in Roma, Italia. He has acquired a wide-ranging professional and international portfolio not only as a design advisor, but also as a consultant on the European Union and United Nation Projects (UNDP) for the development of design capacities in several countries in Southern Asia, the Mediterranean and Latin America. In Costa Rica, he founded and led the undergraduate course on Industrial Design at the Technologic Institute of Costa Rica. Later, he was the director of the Design School of Products in the University of Veritas, which he also led from its opening from 2002 to 2010. Today, he is academic dean in the University of Veritas. In parallel, he is a freelance professional.
Sergio Peña
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Industrial designer. He has been dean and vice rector of the undergraduate course on Industrial Design. Now he is rector of Instituto Superior de Diseño ISDI de la Habana, where he himself graduated from. Masters Degree in Management and Innovation in Design, Doctorate in Management in Design from the University of Valencia, Spain. As a professor and a professional he has developed courses, projects and advised on Design in Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain and Venezuela. He has been recognised with these awards Premios Anuales de Diseño de la Oficina Nacional de Diseño of Cuba and el Reconocimiento al Mérito from the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Superior Education of the Cuban Republic.
Anabella Rondina
University of Buenos Aires
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Graduate in Industrial Design from the University of Buenos Aires, postgraduate in strategic management of design, design and projects management in the same university, and in the University of Milan. She developed her professional activity in the Metropolitan center of design of Buenos Aires from 2002 to March 2016, being since 2011 manager of the institution, a post she reached through public competitions. She is currently director of the undergraduate course in industrial design at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism in the University of Buenos Aires and director of the postgraduate in strategic management of design – design and projects management in the same university.
Oscar Salinas
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Industrial Designer, and doctorate of Architecture. He dedicates himself to professional practice, teaching and academic management, as well as research. Currently he leads the Postgraduate Program in Industrial Design at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). He was president and founder of Colegio de Diseñadores Industriales y Gráficos de Mexico, secretary of the Latin American Association of Industrial Design and vice-president of Academia Mexicana de Diseño. Since 1994, he has worked in and founded Comités Interinstitucionales for the Evaluation of Educación Superior in Mexico (CIEES), in the area of Architecture and Design.