A renowned team of design and teaching professionals will evaluate the works presented at the Student Show (bid_est 2019) and award the prizes of this edition. Their names will be published soon.
Exposition. Student Show – bid_est 2019
Anita Cooney
Nueva York, EEUU
PerfilDean of the Pratt Institute School of Design. New York, USA
Architect of formation and Pratt Institute alumni, she was the director of the School of Interior Design for 9 years and made that department one of the most robust in the country. In 2015, the Pratt Institute created the School of Design, bringing together the departments of industrial, interior, fashion and visual communication. All these schools belonged to the Faculty of Arts, including Industrial Design which was founded in 1936.
Anita Clooney is the first Dean of this new School of Design, with the task of promoting innovation and interdisciplinarity in a 19th century Institute, which was the first art school in the United States. At the moment, she is also in charge of capitalizing the Research Centers and Laboratories within Pratt to serve a very specific goal of the Institute: to move from being a professional institution to becoming a Research Institute.
CV: Anita Cooney CV
Gabriela Mirensky
Nueva York, EEUU
PerfilDirector, Awards and Design at The One Club for Creativity. New York, USA
Director of Contests and Design at The One Club, Gabriela Mirensky is at the intersection of the worlds of advertising and design. A large part of her time is spent researching and connecting with possible candidates for the One Show jury, while the rest, is spent developing the production of the program and the subsequent festival, Creative Week. In addition, she leads the Design-related programs at The One Club, representing the organization at the ico-D Assemblies.
A leader with experience in design management and direction, as well as project management and curatorship, Gabriela Mirensky was a consultant in design studios and organizations for artists. Gabriela was part of the Alfalfa Studio and was director of contests and exhibitions at AIGA, the largest professional organization for designers in the United States.
In teaching, Gabriela is a professor in the “Branding + Integrated Communications” (BIC) program at the City College of New York, and in the Continuing Education program at the School of Visual Arts. She was also a professor in the master’s degree in Editorial Design at the University of Monterrey, Mexico, for almost a decade. She is a member of the board of directors of MUMEDI, the first Design Museum in Mexico City.
Gabriela holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Communication Design from the Autonomous Metropolitan University of CDMX and a Master’s Degree in Graphic Printing Arts from the City College of New York, where she resides. She completed her graduate studies at Columbia University’s Arts Leadership Institute and in the “Business Perspectives for Creative Leaders” program offered by Harvard University and AIGA.
Raquel Pelta
Barcelona, España
PerfilProfessor, researcher and historian of design. Specialist in social design. Barcelona, Spain
Since the late 1990s, much of Raquel Pelta’s research has focused on activist design and design for social change. Currently, her work is in the field of social design, as a field of research but also of practice in non-profit organizations.
She has taught at Elisava School, European Institute of Design and Massana School, as well as at the University of Valladolid, King Juan Carlos University in Madrid and University of Vic, among other educational institutions. Since 2006, she has been a lecturer in the Design Degree at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona.
Throughout her career, she has given lectures, curated exhibitions, written multiple publications and directed the magazines “Visual” and “Monográfica.org” (City of Barcelona Award in 2012) of which she was also founder and editor. Director of the International Typography Congress of Valencia (2004-2016), in 2015 she received the Laus Prize of Honor, awarded by ADG-FAD, in recognition of “a trajectory dedicated to the history of Spanish Design and the capacity to promote projects around design”.
CV: Raquel Pelta CV
Francisco Providencia
Oporto, Portugal
PerfilIndustrial Designer and profesor. Porto, Portugal
Industrial designer. Design and poetry are his main means of expression. Guest professor at the University of Aveiro in the Project Design Department (1997-2007). He teaches at the Faculty of Fine Arts (FBAUP), at the Faculty of Architecture (FAUP) and in the Design Degree at DECAUA. Providência opened his studio in 1985 and has been awarded for his professional performance with the National Design Award in the areas of Communication, Product and Environment of the Portuguese Design Center.
Joana Quental
Oporto, Portugal
PerfilDesigner, illustrator, lecturer at the University of Aveiro and director of the doctoral program. She is a member of the Research Unit in Design, Media and Culture (ID +). Porto, Portugal
She is responsible for the HEAD | Health + Design research group, a multidisciplinary laboratory focused on the design of services for social innovation, offering to the society an applied research dedicated to a more effective communication around health.
She has participated in conferences, seminars and exhibitions. She has a degree in Communication Design and a master’s degree in Multimedia. In 2009, she completed her doctorate with the thesis “Illustration as process and thought, author and interpretation”.
The main objective of the investigation is the literacy of the health and the study of the visual culture, having guided dissertations of masters and doctorate thesis in these areas. The illustration, predominant practice, is today the resource that is often chosen in the communication of health to children.
CV: Joana Quental CV
Gisele Raulik
Paraná, Brasil
PerfilSpecialist in Management and Public Policies for Design and Innovation; consultant and professor. Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Gisele Raulik Murphy has a PhD in public policies for design and innovation (University of Wales) and a Master in Design and Innovation Strategies (Brunel University – United Kingdom). Co-founder and partner of the design management consultancy DUCO Design Intelligence, currently based in Brazil, which focuses on design and innovation research, design thinking and the use of large data to make better informed decisions.
She is founder and coordinator of the Global Network Chevening Innovators in Government and Leader of Open Innovation at Celepar – the Technology Agency of the State Government of Paraná (Southern Brazil).
Gisele has accumulated more than 20 years of experience in teaching at the Academy and facilitating workshops. She is a professor at the Positivo University, where she also coordinates the MBA of Design and Innovation, and in postgraduate courses. She is passionate about collaborative work and techniques that help groups create innovative solutions, particularly in the context of complex problems such as public policies and cultural change in both the public and the private sectors.
7th BID Meeting
1958, Sao Paulo, Brasil
PerfilArchitect and graphic designer. From 2003 to 2007 she was Vice President of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (ICOGRADA). She is a member of the BID advisory committee..
For 12 years she was a professor of Visual Communication Design at the Senac University Center and at the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP) in San Pablo. In 1989, she co-founded the Brazilian Graphic Designers Association (ADG-BRASIL), being its director for four periods. She participated in the Design College of the Public Policy Council of the Ministry of Culture of Brazil in 2013/2014. She is a member of the Presidency of the Ibero-American Design Biennial and of the editorial board of Comunication Design, research publication in Design of the Ico-D (International Council of Design) and is director of the design studio Infinite Study.
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Daniel Wolkowicz
1952, Buenos Aires, Argentina
PerfilDiseñador gráfico. Profesor titular de Diseño de la Facultad de Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y profesor titular del Proyecto Visual de la Carrera de Artes Multimediales del Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte (IUNA).
Formado en arquitectura en la UBA (1975), comenzó a trabajar en Diseño Gráfico en 1972 bajo la tutela de Juan Andralis y Jorge Sarudiansky. Además de profesor de Diseño 1,2,3 en la FADU UBA y en el IUNA, es profesor titular en Diseño aplicado en la Carrera de Multimedia Universidad Maimónides. Ha sido en dos oportunidades director de la carrera de Diseño Gráfico FADU UBA (1990/1994 2006/2010) y Vicedecano de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeñó también como Secretario de Desarrollo y Vinculación Institucional del IUNA (Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte).
Profesor invitado en la Universidad ORT del Uruguay.
Profesor invitado en la Carrera de Diseño Gráfico. Facultad de Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad del Litoral (FADU UNL).
Investigador Categorizado II.
Dirige la Colección de Diseño de la Editorial Argonauta y la editorial Wolkowicz Editores.
Enlaces de interés
Cátedra UBA
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1979, Oporto, Portugal
PerfilProfesora Auxiliar Invitada en la Universidad del Minho y en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Oporto. Especializada en el Diseño inclusivo, metodologías participativas, co-design y diseño social.
Licenciada en Diseño Industrial y doctora en Diseño por la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Lisboa, Ligia Lopes ha sido profesora invitada del Deca – Universidad de Aveiro en la licenciatura en Diseño y en la licenciatura en Diseño en la Universidad Lusíada de Oporto. Ha trabajado el tema “Arquitectura, Espacio Urbano y Diseño Universal” como investigadora del CITAD (Centro Investigación en Territorio, Arquitectura y Diseño) y ha sido investigadora del CIAUD (Centro Investigación en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño) – Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Técnica de Lisboa. Es co-fundadora de la Asociación Design Includes You.
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Carlos Hinrichsen
1957, Santiago de Chile, Chile
PerfilDiseñador Industrial y Máster en Ingeniería. Ha sido Coordinador General Senior de Ingeniería-Diseño en la Escuela de Ingeniería de la P. Universidad Católica de Chile y actualmente es el Vicerrector Académico de la Universidad Tecnológica de Chile Inacap. De 2007 a 2009, fue presidente del Consejo Internacional de Asociaciones de Diseño Industrial (Icsid), organización de la que hoy es Senador. Es miembro del comité asesor de la BID.
En 2010 fue galardonado con la distinción “Comendador de la Orden del León de Finlandia” por su contribución al desarrollo de la enseñanza del diseño, la innovación y la promoción en Chile y Finlandia. De 1992 a 2010 fue director de la Escuela de Diseño de Duoc UC, Chile. Lideró proyectos e iniciativas que integran los negocios, la ingeniería, el diseño, la innovación, la gestión y la tecnología en Asia, África y Europa y actualmente es el director de diseño de la Región de Innovación en Diseño. Desde el año 2002, es un miembro honorario de la Asociación Chilena de Diseño.
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1960, Manizales, Colombia
PerfilDoctor en Ingeniería Multimedia UPC, Barcelona, España. Rector de la Universidad de Caldas. Director del Doctorado en Diseño y Creación. Director del Festival de la Imagen e ISEA2017 de Manizales. Es Miembro del comité científico del encuentro BID.
Londoño es un reconocido docente y gestor cultural que Dirige el Festival de la Imagen, un encuentro de cultura digital y visual que llega a su 16 edición (desde 1997), organizado por Departamento de Diseño Visual de la Universidad de Caldas en Manizales. Este año ha sumado al simposio de arte electrónico más importante en el contexto internacional, ISEA2017. Como rector de la Universidad de Caldas, Londoño ha dotado a la institución de un perfil proactivo que la integra activamente al abanico de actividades de la ciudad en la que se inserta, favoreciendo las redes con otras instituciones internacionales y la posiciona como uno de los centros universitarios mejor calificados de la región por su propuesta formativa.
Para más información:
Flaviano Celaschi
Doctor en investigación, Catedrático de Diseño Industrial, Facultad de Arquitectura, Alma Mater Studiorum – Universidad de Bolonia, Italia. Consultor de investigación para entes públicos y privados, empresas, fundaciones y universidades, en materia de innovación impulsada por el diseño.
Doctor en investigación en Tecnología de la Arquitectura y del Medio Ambiente, Celaschi coordina el Curso de Licenciatura en Diseño del Producto Industrial, que ha puesto en marcha, en la Universidad de Bolonia en el año 2013. Consultor de investigación para entes públicos y privados, empresas, fundaciones y universidades, en materia de innovación impulsada por el diseño ha asesorado a diferentes instituciones para poner en marcha un proceso de renovación y evolución productiva orientada al diseño y a la comunicación.
Celaschi ha fundado y coordina, en el mismo centro, el Advanced Design Center, centro de estudios e investigaciones sobre la anticipación y el proyecto. En 2008 funda y coordina la Red del Diseño de los Procesos, red internacional que organiza el Foro Internacional del Diseño como Proceso, actualmente en su quinta edición. Ha sido Decano en funciones de la Facultad de Diseño del Politécnico de Milán (2001-2003).
Flaviano Celaschi ha sido docente en la Academia Nacional de Arte de Hangzou, Universidad de Wuxi, Design Center de Cengdu (China); Universidad de Málaga (España); Universidad CETIQT de Rio de Janeiro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Universidad Jesuita de UNISINOS de Porto Alegre, Universida de Estadual de Minas Gerais de Belo Horizonte (Brasil); Pontificia Universidad de Santiago (Chile); Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Universidad Siglo 21 de Córdoba, Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina); Universidad Nacional de Bogotá (Colombia); Tecnológico de Monterrey de Guadalajara (México); Universidad alemana de El Cairo (Egipto); UNIPAL de Mangalore (India); Politécnico de Milán, Politécnico de Turín, II Universidad de Nápoles, Libre Universidad de Bolzano, Universidad de Bérgamo, Universidad de Urbino, Universidad de Génova (Italia).
En los años 90, la formación profesional, didáctica y científica de Flaviano Celaschi se desarrolla en torno a diferentes áreas. Una de ellas, en el sector de la construcción/edificación, dado que su experiencia formativa universitaria se centra en la tecnología para la arquitectura y el medio ambiente.
Para más información:
6th BID Meeting
Giovanni Vannucchi
Designer, Partner of Ozdesign
Sao Pablo, Brasil
Gonzalo Castillo
Designer, Director of Procorp
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Ignacio Urbina
Designer, Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Design, Pratt Institute, New York
Caracas, Venezuela
Iván Cortés
Designer, Director of the magazine Proyecto Diseño
Bogotá, Colombia
Uqui Permui
Graphic and visual designer
Santiago de Compostela, Galicia