Wednesday 25_17.30 a 19.30

Auditorio, Casa del Lector


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Design in times of anger

One of the duties of teaching is to develop the inaudible

In a socially and technologically troubled world, design teaching and the role of professionals necessarily have to change. It is not a question of evolution anymore but a question of revolution. Design as we understood it until now is dead.

With these words, Wolkowicz will introduce us to his conceptual universe and will invite us to reflect on a field that he knows very well, in which he works since more than thirty years. He will introduce us to his endeavour and experience in the Buenos Aires University and will raise new horizons in a talk that will thrill educators and students.

Daniel Wolkowicz
Faculty of Arquitecture Design and Urbanisim, University of Buenos Aires


With a formation in architecture at the UBA (1975), he began to work in graphic design in 1972 under the supervision of Juan Andralis and Jorge Sarudiansky. In addition of being teacher of Design 1, 2, 3 at the FADU UBA and at the IUNA, he is professor in applied design in the graduate of multimedia at the Maimónides University. He has been twice director of the graduate of graphic design at the FADU UBA (1990 – 1994 and 2006 – 2010) and vice dean in the faculty of architecture, design and urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires. Furthermore, he has been secretary of development and institutional linking at the IUNA (National Institute of Arts).

Visiting teacher at the ORT University of Uruguay.

Visiting teacher of the graduate of graphic design at the faculty of design and urbanism of the Universidad del Litoral (FADU UNL).

Researcher categorized II.

He directs the design collection of the Argonauta Editorial and the Wolkowicz Editores Editorial.


Useful links:

Cátedra UBA

For more information:

BIO Daniel Wolkowicz