Autonomous University of San Luis de Potosí
San Luis of Potosí, Mexico
He studied a Mastery of Architecture with Conservation and Restoration of Movable Property as specialties. He has a significant path in the professional practice, developing diverse projects. In the context of a private initiative, since 1976, he worked in companies and offices of design like Bufete Industrial de Construcciones, in Legorreta Arquitectos, with the architect Francisco Marroquín Torres, in Constructions and Structures of Concrete, and in the office Villar Arquitectos. Since 1978, he was professor in Faculty of Habitat of Alma Mater and nowadays, he is adviser of thesis for the career of Architecture. In this university center, he has been Head of Department of Expression, Head of the Area of Aesthetic Researches, coordinator of the career Architecture and director of it from 1992 to 2004. He is also general secretary of Autonomous University of San Luis de Potosí.
Twice, he has been rewarded the National Award of Restoration given by INAH. Fellow of Committee of Evaluation and Monitoring in the area of urban development and housing of the System of Investigation Miguel Hidalgo (SIGHO) of CONACYT, fellow of Committee of Peers of the Institutional Commission for the Evaluation of High Studies (CIEES), fellow of Committee of Architecture, Design and Urbanism (CADU) since 1998, Academic Secretary of National Association of Institutions teaching Architecture in Mexican Republic (ASINEA) from 2002 to 2004, vice-president of ASINEA from 2000 to 2002, fellow of Latin-American Seminar of Rural Housing, fellow of the Directive Council of State Institute of Construction of Schools (IECE), and many more others responsibilities.
Autonomous University of San Luis de Potosí
Faculty of Habitat aims to create the inhabitable way of the human being and society, as well as his adequacy, conservation, transformation, development and accomplishment. It approaches the problematic of Habitat as a totality, having as beginning and ultimate end the preoccupation of the habitat of human being.
Faculty of Habitat is an academic entity which is part of Autonomous University of San Luis de Potosí. It aims to form professionals in the area of design and materialization of the artificial environment of human being and society, scientific research in areas shaping the natural and artificial frame of the habitat and the diffusion of knowledge of sciences, arts, technology of design applied to the improvement of human life. The latter enables the Faculty to form students in the area of critic and aesthetic thought, to give an answer of synthesis. These students would help society about feasible decisions in a cultural, socio-economic and political context.
Understanding the Habitat like a space in which man lives, develops, modifies it and is affected by it, Faculty of Habitat offers disciplines that attend to its requirement of space, objects, graphic communication and materialization of buildings training professionals that can give answers according to time and space.
Lo anterior permite a la Facultad del Hábitat formar a sus estudiantes en el campo del pensamiento crítico y estético, para dar respuesta de síntesis que beneficien a la sociedad con decisiones factibles en un contexto cultural, socioeconómico y político.
Entendido el Hábitat como el espacio en que el hombre vive y se desarrolla, lo modifica y es afectado por él, la Facultad del Hábitat ofrece disciplinas que atienden a su requerimiento de espacio, objetos, comunicación gráfica y la materialización de edificios formando profesionistas que den respuestas acordes a su tiempo y espacio.